Tag Archives: Roses

A Rose Is Not Just a Rose

by Harriet Kelly

Pink and white rose

It needs a little tough love to thrive and bloom. When it comes to pruning roses, you have to be cruel to be kind. Grit your teeth and prune, prune, prune. So advised the expert rose growers of the Garden Club of Irvington yesterday—a beautiful, warm Saturday—during the club’s annual Rose Pruning Day. Under the tutelage of GCI rosarians Pru Montgomery and Bunny Bauer, club members learned how to properly use clippers, where to cut, and how much to cut (more than you think). There was a good turnout of local people who were eager to learn rose pruning techniques to use in their own gardens. All participants said that they’re looking forward to Rose Day on June 3 and promised to come back to enjoy the festivities and see how their handiwork turned out.

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Filed under Horticulture, Irvington Garden Club Events, Rivertowns Westchester NY, Tarrytown NY